Tuesday, 1 March 2011

learning experiences well I wont use the spell check and i guess it wont be long before you realise what i never learnt . I had a particularly bad junior school experiences of changing from ITA (initial teaching alphabet ) back to normal english .

In the 1960s ITA was the latest thing, I was one of the children on the trial . There was a planned program for children to reintegrate back into the main streasm however My mother , freeked out by the strangeness of her daughters wierd writing moved me mid way through the program into a very streight victorian school where my written language, or lack of it, was completely mis understood . I was shouted at and humiliated the rules were never explained to me so i didn't get a handle on how to construct english eventually i became so belligerant i thought i wont do it and those who think its important are fools . GREAT !!!!
A good learning experience was at the Tate
where i was asked to run a workshop I was in ,my late 20s it was early days at tate Liverpool and they were asking artists to run workshops in the galleries I reaslly didnt think i could do it
i didnt know what i could do or say I wasnt a historian I was really panicked but with some really supportive giudance from friends and collegues and research i managed to do it . By simply teaching my way of looking at art works as a method or tool for looking- so allowing questions as part of the practice- and whats more together with the team we came up with ways of working in art in galleries that became the orthadoxy . that achivement made me really energised me i used to love running workshops

janet Hodgson

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